Upcoming Events

We are a very welcoming church and we would be so happy to see you come to any or all of these events! Please feel welcome to come, we’d love to meet you!

Scroll to the end for a link to our calendar.

Men’s Breakfast - May 11

It’s time for the men to get together for some fellowship, food, and a message. Chase Crichton will be speaking to the men after a delicious meal crafted by caterer Marty Bray together. The breakfast is May 11 at 8:30 a.m. Hope you can make it!

VBS Workdays

You’re invited to help prepare sets and crafts for the big week of VBS! The workdays will be May 11, 18 & 25 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.

Jazz & Faith - May 12

Our next Jazz & Faith will be on Sunday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. G Louis Hemenway and guest musicians will be playing uplifting music and reading scriptures. Be sure and mark your calendars for this great evening!

Pentecost Sunday, May 19

Pentecost Sunday is celebrated 10 days after Jesus ascended into heaven. On this day, the disciples were gathered in a house in Jerusalem. They were greeted by an overwhelming roaring sound, like a strong gust of wind that manifested as fire resting on the heads of each disciple. We like to wear red on Pentecost Sunday to remind us of God sending the fire and being like-minded as we gather in church.

Memorial Day, May 27

In honor of Memorial Day, the church offices will be closed on Monday, May 27.

Senior Sunday - June 2

We’ll be congratulating our graduating Seniors on Sunday, June 2 during our 10:01 a.m. service. The celebration continues as we have soda floats during our community time and cards to sign for the graduates.


This year’s baccalaureate will be held at the WaHi Commons on Sunday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m. Come support our graduating seniors and others in the community at this wonderful and celebratory service.

Jazz & Faith - Sunday, June 9

Join us for another uplifting worship service of Jazz & Faith. G. Louis and friends will play wonderful music and scriptures will be read. It’s in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 9th.

CAC Meal Prep and Serve

WWPC serves a meal at the Christian Aid Center every 2nd Thursday of each month. Next gathering: June 13, 2024
Join other folks from WWPC preparing and/or serving meals. Please let the office know if you are interested and we'll connect you. 
3 – 4 pm preparing 5-6 pm serving. They would love to have your help!

Happy Father’s Day - June 16

Wishing all of you Dads out there a very happy and blessed Father’s Day! For community time, we’ll be serving VBS bread. Stick around to sample what the kids will be making during the exciting week of VBS!

VBS June 17-21 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Dive into friendship with God this summer with Walla Walla Presbyterian Church's Scuba Vacation Bible School. Join us on June 17 - 21 from 9am - 12pm. For ages 3 (with potty training) through 5th grade. $20 per kid or $10 per kid for 3 or more kids registered. Email Sonja McPherson (the children's ministry coordinator) for the scholarship code at sonja@wwpc.org. We're excited to show your kids Jesus and help them grow to show Jesus! Click the link below to register.



Mission Mission Walla Walla is Coming this June!

Registration is open for Mission Mission Walla Walla (June 17-21). The deadline for applications is May 26th, 2024.
To make registration easier, you can click on this link and sign up! https://wwpc.churchcenter.com/people/forms/719997
Contact Angel with any questions you may have at angel@wwpc.org

What is Mission Mission Walla Walla (MMWW)?
MMWW is for youth - from 5th-grade graduates to senior graduates. It's a week of fun, fellowship, service, worship, and eating!

What could my day look like during MMWW?
We start our day by helping out with VBS from 8 am to 12 pm. After we do some cleanup and prep for the next day of VBS, we have lunch together and then go to a service project around Walla Walla! (The projects range from yard work to extra clean up, serving at the Christian Aid Center, etc.) We come back to the church to eat dinner together before jumping into our evening bible study- a time to come together, worship, and listen to a great message about our theme this year: Growth. 
The days will look a little different depending on what we have scheduled. For example, on Wednesday we will be prepping for the annual VBS BBQ and eating dinner with the families and friends of WWPC. MMWW is scheduled from 8 am-8 pm. We realize that 12 full hours each day may not work with everyone's schedule, which is why we're flexible on times that you're available.
You can invite friends that don't come to WWPC! If they'd like to join us in serving, we'd love to invite them to join us.

Volunteer Appreciation Day- June 23

We are so thankful for our many wonderful volunteers! From Sunday School Teachers, Nursery Helpers, AV Booth operators and Office Helpers, to Greeters, Ushers, Cooks, Kitchen Helpers, Kitchen Cleaners, VBS volunteers and oh, so many more. Sunday, June 23 is the day to celebrate and thank all of you! We’ll be serving strawberry shortcakes during community time for everyone. Volunteers, make sure you grab a name tag so folks know where you volunteer. Thank you!

Camp Ghormley

Who wants to go to camp this summer? WWPC will be driving kids to Ghormley on these dates and a chaperone will accompany them. The cost and dates are listed below. Sign up for a week of fun and memories to last a lifetime!

These prices listed are from Camp Ghormley's site itself.
Primary (incoming 2nd- 4th grade): 7/1-7/4   True Cost:  $375 
Reduced Cost: $345
Junior (incoming 4th-6th grade):  7/21-7/25  True Cost: $475 
Reduced Cost: $435
Middle School (incoming 6th-8th grade): 7/15-7/20  True Cost: $560 
Reduced Cost: $515
High School (incoming 8th-graduates): 7/28-8/3   True Cost: $640  Reduced Cost: $590
If you'd like more information on True/Reduced cost or information about our Church Bucks program, please contact either Angel (angel@wwpc.org) or Sonja (sonja@wwpc.org

Rally Sunday - August 25

Welcome back to church after your summer outings! We’re rallying this Sunday with a new sermon series, new studies for Sunday Schools and Youth Group and loads of food, fun and fellowship after worship. Come rally with us as we return to church!

WFB Returns August 28 @ 5:30

WFB is revving up for another season of dinner, fellowship around the table, and Pastor’s Bible Study. WFB is Wednesdays at First and Birch, a mid-week gathering for everyone. Be sure to come and join us, you’ll be glad you did!

Weekly Events

Please go to “Bible Studies & Small Groups” or “Women’s Ministries” for more Studies.

The ROCK for Kids

ROCK meets every Wednesday afternoon for kids from grades 1 through 5. We meet in the atrium and then head on up to the ROCK room in the CE building. There will be games, snacks, and a Bible lesson. Welcome to all 1st - 5th graders each Wednesday at 4:30 pm. Rock continues throughout the summer!

Youth Group - Sundays 4:00-6:00

Our youth meet on Sunday afternoons from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. They gather for snacks, games, and a Bible lesson. Youth entering middle school up through high school seniors are invited. Bring your friends and have a great afternoon!

Friday Communion Vespers

Friday Communion Vespers will be celebrated at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Room. You are all invited to this service which uses traditional liturgy based on reformed theology and includes the sacrament of Communion.