We are Christian

We believe that we know the one Holy, Living God in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That humanity - created sinless - fell from that blessed state and finds itself separated from God through sin. God’s mission of reconciliation is to restore the divine human relationship. That reconciliation has been accomplished through Lord Jesus, the perfect God/Man. Therefore we are part of the Christian Faith.

We are Judeo-Christian

We believe in one God who alone is creator of all things. This God calls us into holy lives; therefore we are part of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

We are Protestant

We believe that we are saved by grace alone; God’s free gift of salvation won for us through Jesus on the Cross. We are saved through faith alone, a faith enabled by the work of the Holy Spirit. We know of this salvation through scripture, the Bible that is made up of the Old and New Testaments, and that the Bible contains all that is necessary for salvation and alone is our rule of belief and action.  Therefore we are part of the protestant family of believers.

We are Reformed

We believe in a sovereign and loving God, and that it is God who takes the initiative in the saving act. From Genesis to Revelation we see the truth of God’s love for us. It is God who calls, God who saves, and God who preserves us in the faith. Therefore it is God, and God alone, who deserves all glory for our salvation and Christian growth. We are called to serve God by loving Him and neighbor, living out the ancient call to be a blessing as we have been blessed. Therefore we are part of the Reformed Tradition.

We are Presbyterian

The word Presbyterian comes from the Greek word which means “Elder.” Presbyterian Church denotes a denomination governed or ruled by elders rather than clergy. The Session is the governing body of a local congregation. The Session is comprised of elders elected by the congregation and it is moderated by the Pastor.  Our “Deacons” are elected by our congregation to organize the benevolent services of our congregation.

We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ and continues Christ’s ministry of reconciliation; that Jesus Christ alone is the Head of the Church and believers are called to live out their faith in covenantal communities of worship, fellowship, discipleship, service, and outreach governed by elders; that this ministry is best carried out in relationship and accountability with others in unity of belief and mission. This mission is local, regional, national, and international... carrying out our Savior’s command to be witnesses of God’s love to the ends of the earth. Believing that we are saved and live by grace, we acknowledge that we are not perfect people but are forgiven and desire to live more holy and joy-filled lives.

We Are Members of  ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians

Whose Mission is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ,
Through the four priorities of :
          - Lifting up the centrality of the gospel.
          - Growing with an emerging generation of leaders.
          - Prioritizing a wave of church innovation.
          - Creating an atmosphere of relational accountability.

You can discover more about ECO by visiting their website here